Where Pompano Beach Foxes Prefer to Live and Different Species!

With the cunning and crafty behavior of the Pompano Beach fox, you are probably thinking that they are also meticulous with regards to looking for their habitat. There are different types of fox and each of them will prefer different surroundings when establishing their den. Most of them are versatile and has successfully adapted in a range of terrains and climate. The population of fox has been scattered in different parts of the globe such as North America, Africa, Europe, and Asia.

The Different Habitat of the Florida Fox

The home of the fox is mainly consists of a burrow or an underground hole. This is their den that they dug up. They may construct their den in the desert, sandy soil, open spaces, and various kinds of terrains. There are also foxes in captivity and those who prefer to live close to humans.

The Social Behavior and Habitat of the Pompano Beach Fox

Note that not all fox will live in the same surroundings. Nonetheless, they have managed to adapt in different environment. For instance, the foxes that can be found in the dessert will find it hard to survive in the Arctic region. The habitat will usually be specific according to the species of the fox. There are still instances when different type of fox will share same habitat and environmental setting. With the social behavior of the fox, they will live in a large group known as pack. 


Different types of the Florida fox will choose to dwell in the desert. This will include the desert kit, Tibetan sand, corsac, fennec, and Ruppel’s fox. The Ruppel’s fox will be found mainly in the hot region of Middle East and North America. You may encounter them on the south western portion of Pakistan and in Afghanistan. The fennec fox which is kept as exotic pet can thrive in the arid environment of Sahara. These foxes that has adapted to the harsh life in the dessert have behavior and physical attributes that allowed them to survive in deserts. Most of them have long ears that enable them to dissipate the heat from their body. Their kidney also helps them conserves the ideal level of water. They have thick fur that protects them from the heat of the desert.

Arctic Region

The arctic fox can withstand the low temperature in the Arctic region. They can be found in the area found in the northern hemisphere. They are also referred to as snow fox and polar fox. In order to adapt to this condition, they have a unique razor sharp teeth that is intended to shred the meat of their prey. Their thick fur also shields them from the unforgiving cold of the arctic region.

There are also those who will choose to stay in the temperate regions. One of them would be the Pompano Beach red fox that we will usually encounter in the rural communities. They are omnivores that will consume variety of foods. Just like the other fox, they will choose to live in areas that provide them an easy access to food.

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